I am currently entrenched in the Dark Twisty Pit of Querying. For those of you that don’t know what querying is, I define it as the following:
The sometimes-painful, sometimes-disappointing, sometimes-exhilarating, and always long process of finding a unicorn-agent.
You see, after spending a year or so creating a book-baby through blood, sweat, and chocolate, it’s time to put it in its prettiest outfit and send it into the world. That is, it’s time to start sending queries to agents. The hope is that no one thinks our book-babies have big ears or weak plots, the hope is that an agent falls in love with it at first sentence.
The Hope. The Hope. So. Much. Hope.
The process is long and, at times, brutal. There will be many, many rejections and yet, we keep going back for more believing our stories need to be told and that an agent will believe that too.
But, while we’re waiting, we mind as well have a little fun.